Pragma Solidity ^0.4.8;
Contract PixelsBeach Market {
// You can use this hash to verify the image file containing all the pixelsbeach
string public imageHash = "number here";
address owner;
string public standard = 'PixelsBeach';
string public name;
string public symbol;
uint8 public decimals;
uint256 public totalSupply;
uint public nextpixelsbeachIndexToAssign = 0;
bool public allpixelsbeachAssigned = false;
uint public pixelsbeachRemainingToAssign = 0;
//mapping (address => uint) public addressTopixelsbeachIndex;
mapping (uint => address) public pixelsbeachIndexToAddress;
/* This creates an array with all balances */
mapping (address => uint256) public balanceOf;
struct Offer {
bool isForSale;
uint pixelsbeachIndex;
address seller;
uint minValue; // in ether
address onlySellTo; // specify to sell only to a specific person
struct Bid {
bool hasBid;
uint pixelsbeachIndex;
address bidder;
uint value;
// A record of pixelsbeach that are offered for sale at a specific minimum value, and perhaps to a specific person
mapping (uint => Offer) public pixelsbeachOfferedForSale;
// A record of the highest pixelsbeach bid
mapping (uint => Bid) public pixelsbeachBids;
mapping (address => uint) public pendingWithdrawals;
event Assign(address indexed to, uint256 pixelsbeachIndex);
event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);
event pixelsbeachTransfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 pixelsbeachIndex);
event pixelsbeachOffered(uint indexed pixelsbeachIndex, uint minValue, address indexed toAddress);
event pixelsbeachBidEntered(uint indexed pixelsbeachIndex, uint value, address indexed fromAddress);
event pixelsbeachBidWithdrawn(uint indexed pixelsbeachIndex, uint value, address indexed fromAddress);
event pixelsbeachBought(uint indexed pixelsbeachIndex, uint value, address indexed fromAddress, address indexed toAddress);
event pixelsbeachNoLongerForSale(uint indexed pixelsbeachIndex);
/* Initializes contract with initial supply tokens to the creator of the contract */
function PixelsBeachMarket() payable {
// balanceOf[msg.sender] = initialSupply; // Give the creator all initial tokens
owner = msg.sender;
totalSupply = 10000; // Update total supply
pixelsbeachRemainingToAssign = totalSupply;
name = "PixelsBeach"; // Set the name for display purposes
symbol = "Ͼ"; // Set the symbol for display purposes
decimals = 0; // Amount of decimals for display purposes
function setInitialOwner(address to, uint pixelsbeachIndex) {
if (msg.sender != owner) throw;
if (allpixelsbeachAssigned) throw;
if (pixelsbeachIndex >= 10000) throw;
if (pixelsbeachIndexToAddress[pixelsbeachIndex] != to) {
if (pixelsbeachIndexToAddress[pixelsbeachIndex] != 0x0) {
} else {
pixelsbeachIndexToAddress[pixelsbeachIndex] = to;
Assign(to, pixelsbeachIndex);
function setInitialOwners(address[] addresses, uint[] indices) {
if (msg.sender != owner) throw;
uint n = addresses.length;
for (uint i = 0; i < n; i++) {
setInitialOwner(addresses[i], indices[i]);
function allInitialOwnersAssigned() {
if (msg.sender != owner) throw;
allpixelsbeachAssigned = true;
function getpixelsbeach(uint pixelsbeachIndex) {
if (!allpixelsbeachAssigned) throw;
if (pixelsbeachRemainingToAssign == 0) throw;
if (pixelsbeachIndexToAddress[pixelsbeachIndex] != 0x0) throw;
if (pixelsbeachIndex >= 10000) throw;
pixelsbeachIndexToAddress[pixelsbeachIndex] = msg.sender;
Assign(msg.sender, pixelsbeachIndex);
// Transfer ownership of a pixelsbeach to another user without requiring payment
function transferpixelsbeach(address to, uint pixelsbeachIndex) {
if (!allpixelsbeachAssigned) throw;
if (pixelsbeachIndexToAddress[pixelsbeachIndex] != msg.sender) throw;
if (pixelsbeachIndex >= 10000) throw;
if (pixelsbeachOfferedForSale[pixelsbeachIndex].isForSale) {
pixelsbeachIndexToAddress[pixelsbeachIndex] = to;
Transfer(msg.sender, to, 1);
pixelsbeachTransfer(msg.sender, to, pixelsbeachIndex);
// Check for the case where there is a bid from the new owner and refund it.
// Any other bid can stay in place.
Bid bid = pixelsbeachBids[pixelsbeachIndex];
if (bid.bidder == to) {
// Kill bid and refund value
pendingWithdrawals[to] += bid.value;
pixelsbeachBids[pixelsbeachIndex] = Bid(false, pixelsbeachIndex, 0x0, 0);
function pixelsbeachNoLongerForSale(uint pixelsbeachIndex) {
if (!allpixelsbeachAssigned) throw;
if (pixelsbeachIndexToAddress[pixelsbeachIndex] != msg.sender) throw;
if (pixelsbeachIndex >= 10000) throw;
pixelsbeachOfferedForSale[pixelsbeachIndex] = Offer(false, pixelsbeachIndex, msg.sender, 0, 0x0);
function offerpixelsbeachForSale(uint pixelsbeachIndex, uint minSalePriceInWei) {
if (!allpixelsbeachAssigned) throw;
if (pixelsbeachIndexToAddress[pixelsbeachIndex] != msg.sender) throw;
if (pixelsbeachIndex >= 10000) throw;
pixelsbeachOfferedForSale[pixelsbeachIndex] = Offer(true, pixelsbeachIndex, msg.sender, minSalePriceInWei, 0x0);
pixelsbeachOffered(pixelsbeachIndex, minSalePriceInWei, 0x0);
function offerpixelsbeachForSaleToAddress(uint pixelsbeachIndex, uint minSalePriceInWei, address toAddress) {
if (!allpixelsbeachAssigned) throw;
if (pixelsbeachIndexToAddress[pixelsbeachIndex] != msg.sender) throw;
if (pixelsbeachIndex >= 10000) throw;
pixelsbeachOfferedForSale[pixelsbeachIndex] = Offer(true, pixelsbeachIndex, msg.sender, minSalePriceInWei, toAddress);
pixelsbeachOffered(pixelsbeachIndex, minSalePriceInWei, toAddress);
function buypixelsbeach(uint pixelsbeachIndex) payable {
if (!allpixelsbeachAssigned) throw;
Offer offer = pixelsbeachOfferedForSale[pixelsbeachIndex];
if (pixelsbeachIndex >= 10000) throw;
if (!offer.isForSale) throw; // pixelsbeach not actually for sale
if (offer.onlySellTo != 0x0 && offer.onlySellTo != msg.sender) throw; // pixelsbeach not supposed to be sold to this user
if (msg.value < offer.minValue) throw; // Didn't send enough ETH
if (offer.seller != pixelsbeachIndexToAddress[pixelsbeachIndex]) throw; // Seller no longer owner of pixelsbeach
address seller = offer.seller;
pixelsbeachIndexToAddress[pixelsbeachIndex] = msg.sender;
Transfer(seller, msg.sender, 1);
pendingWithdrawals[seller] += msg.value;
pixelsbeachBought(pixelsbeachIndex, msg.value, seller, msg.sender);
// Check for the case where there is a bid from the new owner and refund it.
// Any other bid can stay in place.
Bid bid = pixelsbeachBids[pixelsbeachIndex];
if (bid.bidder == msg.sender) {
// Kill bid and refund value
pendingWithdrawals[msg.sender] += bid.value;
pixelsbeachBids[pixelsbeachIndex] = Bid(false, pixelsbeachIndex, 0x0, 0);
function withdraw() {
if (!allpixelsbeachAssigned) throw;
uint amount = pendingWithdrawals[msg.sender];
// Remember to zero the pending refund before
// sending to prevent re-entrancy attacks
pendingWithdrawals[msg.sender] = 0;
function enterBidForpixelsbeach(uint pixelsbeachIndex) payable {
if (pixelsbeachIndex >= 10000) throw;
if (!allpixelsbeachAssigned) throw;
if (pixelsbeachIndexToAddress[pixelsbeachIndex] == 0x0) throw;
if (pixelsbeachIndexToAddress[pixelsbeachIndex] == msg.sender) throw;
if (msg.value == 0) throw;
Bid existing = pixelsbeachBids[pixelsbeachIndex];
if (msg.value <= existing.value) throw;
if (existing.value > 0) {
// Refund the failing bid
pendingWithdrawals[existing.bidder] += existing.value;
pixelsbeachBids[pixelsbeachIndex] = Bid(true, pixelsbeachIndex, msg.sender, msg.value);
pixelsbeachBidEntered(pixelsbeachIndex, msg.value, msg.sender);
function acceptBidForpixelsbeach(uint pixelsbeachIndex, uint minPrice) {
if (pixelsbeachIndex >= 10000) throw;
if (!allpixelsbeachAssigned) throw;
if (pixelsbeachIndexToAddress[pixelsbeachIndex] != msg.sender) throw;
address seller = msg.sender;
Bid bid = pixelsbeachBids[pixelsbeachIndex];
if (bid.value == 0) throw;
if (bid.value < minPrice) throw;
pixelsbeachIndexToAddress[pixelsbeachIndex] = bid.bidder;
Transfer(seller, bid.bidder, 1);
pixelsbeachOfferedForSale[pixelsbeachIndex] = Offer(false, pixelsbeachIndex, bid.bidder, 0, 0x0);
uint amount = bid.value;
pixelsbeachBids[pixelsbeachIndex] = Bid(false, pixelsbeachIndex, 0x0, 0);
pendingWithdrawals[seller] += amount;
pixelsbeachBought(pixelsbeachIndex, bid.value, seller, bid.bidder);
function withdrawBidForpixelsbeach(uint pixelsbeachIndex) {
if (pixelsbeachIndex >= 10000) throw;
if (!allpixelsbeachAssigned) throw;
if (pixelsbeachIndexToAddress[pixelsbeachIndex] == 0x0) throw;
if (pixelsbeachIndexToAddress[pixelsbeachIndex] == msg.sender) throw;
Bid bid = pixelsbeachBids[pixelsbeachIndex];
if (bid.bidder != msg.sender) throw;
pixelsbeachBidWithdrawn(pixelsbeachIndex, bid.value, msg.sender);
uint amount = bid.value;
pixelsbeachBids[pixelsbeachIndex] = Bid(false, pixelsbeachIndex, 0x0, 0);
// Refund the bid money
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Pixels Beach Contract Marketplace – Pragma Coding
Pragma Solidity ^0.4.8;
Contract PixelsBeachMarket {
// You can use this hash to verify the image file containing all the pixelsbeach
string public imageHash = "number here";
address owner;
string public standard = 'PixelsBeach';
string public name;
string public symbol;
uint8 public decimals;
uint256 public totalSupply;
uint public nextpixelsbeachIndexToAssign = 0;
bool public allpixelsbeachAssigned = false;
uint public pixelsbeachRemainingToAssign = 0;
//mapping (address => uint) public addressTopixelsbeachIndex;
mapping (uint => address) public pixelsbeachIndexToAddress;
/* This creates an array with all balances */
mapping (address => uint256) public balanceOf;
struct Offer {
bool isForSale;
uint pixelsbeachIndex;
address seller;
uint minValue; // in ether
address onlySellTo; // specify to sell only to a specific person
struct Bid {
bool hasBid;
uint pixelsbeachIndex;
address bidder;
uint value;
// A record of pixelsbeach that are offered for sale at a specific minimum value, and perhaps to a specific person
mapping (uint => Offer) public pixelsbeachOfferedForSale;
// A record of the highest pixelsbeach bid
mapping (uint => Bid) public pixelsbeachBids;
mapping (address => uint) public pendingWithdrawals;
event Assign(address indexed to, uint256 pixelsbeachIndex);
event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);
event pixelsbeachTransfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 pixelsbeachIndex);
event pixelsbeachOffered(uint indexed pixelsbeachIndex, uint minValue, address indexed toAddress);
event pixelsbeachBidEntered(uint indexed pixelsbeachIndex, uint value, address indexed fromAddress);
event pixelsbeachBidWithdrawn(uint indexed pixelsbeachIndex, uint value, address indexed fromAddress);
event pixelsbeachBought(uint indexed pixelsbeachIndex, uint value, address indexed fromAddress, address indexed toAddress);
event pixelsbeachNoLongerForSale(uint indexed pixelsbeachIndex);
/* Initializes contract with initial supply tokens to the creator of the contract */
function PixelsBeachMarket() payable {
// balanceOf[msg.sender] = initialSupply; // Give the creator all initial tokens
owner = msg.sender;
totalSupply = 10000; // Update total supply
pixelsbeachRemainingToAssign = totalSupply;
name = "PixelsBeach"; // Set the name for display purposes
symbol = "Ͼ"; // Set the symbol for display purposes
decimals = 0; // Amount of decimals for display purposes
function setInitialOwner(address to, uint pixelsbeachIndex) {
if (msg.sender != owner) throw;
if (allpixelsbeachAssigned) throw;
if (pixelsbeachIndex >= 10000) throw;
if (pixelsbeachIndexToAddress[pixelsbeachIndex] != to) {
if (pixelsbeachIndexToAddress[pixelsbeachIndex] != 0x0) {
} else {
pixelsbeachIndexToAddress[pixelsbeachIndex] = to;
Assign(to, pixelsbeachIndex);
function setInitialOwners(address[] addresses, uint[] indices) {
if (msg.sender != owner) throw;
uint n = addresses.length;
for (uint i = 0; i < n; i++) {
setInitialOwner(addresses[i], indices[i]);
function allInitialOwnersAssigned() {
if (msg.sender != owner) throw;
allpixelsbeachAssigned = true;
function getpixelsbeach(uint pixelsbeachIndex) {
if (!allpixelsbeachAssigned) throw;
if (pixelsbeachRemainingToAssign == 0) throw;
if (pixelsbeachIndexToAddress[pixelsbeachIndex] != 0x0) throw;
if (pixelsbeachIndex >= 10000) throw;
pixelsbeachIndexToAddress[pixelsbeachIndex] = msg.sender;
Assign(msg.sender, pixelsbeachIndex);
// Transfer ownership of a pixelsbeach to another user without requiring payment
function transferpixelsbeach(address to, uint pixelsbeachIndex) {
if (!allpixelsbeachAssigned) throw;
if (pixelsbeachIndexToAddress[pixelsbeachIndex] != msg.sender) throw;
if (pixelsbeachIndex >= 10000) throw;
if (pixelsbeachOfferedForSale[pixelsbeachIndex].isForSale) {
pixelsbeachIndexToAddress[pixelsbeachIndex] = to;
Transfer(msg.sender, to, 1);
pixelsbeachTransfer(msg.sender, to, pixelsbeachIndex);
// Check for the case where there is a bid from the new owner and refund it.
// Any other bid can stay in place.
Bid bid = pixelsbeachBids[pixelsbeachIndex];
if (bid.bidder == to) {
// Kill bid and refund value
pendingWithdrawals[to] += bid.value;
pixelsbeachBids[pixelsbeachIndex] = Bid(false, pixelsbeachIndex, 0x0, 0);
function pixelsbeachNoLongerForSale(uint pixelsbeachIndex) {
if (!allpixelsbeachAssigned) throw;
if (pixelsbeachIndexToAddress[pixelsbeachIndex] != msg.sender) throw;
if (pixelsbeachIndex >= 10000) throw;
pixelsbeachOfferedForSale[pixelsbeachIndex] = Offer(false, pixelsbeachIndex, msg.sender, 0, 0x0);
function offerpixelsbeachForSale(uint pixelsbeachIndex, uint minSalePriceInWei) {
if (!allpixelsbeachAssigned) throw;
if (pixelsbeachIndexToAddress[pixelsbeachIndex] != msg.sender) throw;
if (pixelsbeachIndex >= 10000) throw;
pixelsbeachOfferedForSale[pixelsbeachIndex] = Offer(true, pixelsbeachIndex, msg.sender, minSalePriceInWei, 0x0);
pixelsbeachOffered(pixelsbeachIndex, minSalePriceInWei, 0x0);
function offerpixelsbeachForSaleToAddress(uint pixelsbeachIndex, uint minSalePriceInWei, address toAddress) {
if (!allpixelsbeachAssigned) throw;
if (pixelsbeachIndexToAddress[pixelsbeachIndex] != msg.sender) throw;
if (pixelsbeachIndex >= 10000) throw;
pixelsbeachOfferedForSale[pixelsbeachIndex] = Offer(true, pixelsbeachIndex, msg.sender, minSalePriceInWei, toAddress);
pixelsbeachOffered(pixelsbeachIndex, minSalePriceInWei, toAddress);
function buypixelsbeach(uint pixelsbeachIndex) payable {
if (!allpixelsbeachAssigned) throw;
Offer offer = pixelsbeachOfferedForSale[pixelsbeachIndex];
if (pixelsbeachIndex >= 10000) throw;
if (!offer.isForSale) throw; // pixelsbeach not actually for sale
if (offer.onlySellTo != 0x0 && offer.onlySellTo != msg.sender) throw; // pixelsbeach not supposed to be sold to this user
if (msg.value < offer.minValue) throw; // Didn't send enough ETH
if (offer.seller != pixelsbeachIndexToAddress[pixelsbeachIndex]) throw; // Seller no longer owner of pixelsbeach
address seller = offer.seller;
pixelsbeachIndexToAddress[pixelsbeachIndex] = msg.sender;
Transfer(seller, msg.sender, 1);
pendingWithdrawals[seller] += msg.value;
pixelsbeachBought(pixelsbeachIndex, msg.value, seller, msg.sender);
// Check for the case where there is a bid from the new owner and refund it.
// Any other bid can stay in place.
Bid bid = pixelsbeachBids[pixelsbeachIndex];
if (bid.bidder == msg.sender) {
// Kill bid and refund value
pendingWithdrawals[msg.sender] += bid.value;
pixelsbeachBids[pixelsbeachIndex] = Bid(false, pixelsbeachIndex, 0x0, 0);
function withdraw() {
if (!allpixelsbeachAssigned) throw;
uint amount = pendingWithdrawals[msg.sender];
// Remember to zero the pending refund before
// sending to prevent re-entrancy attacks
pendingWithdrawals[msg.sender] = 0;
function enterBidForpixelsbeach(uint pixelsbeachIndex) payable {
if (pixelsbeachIndex >= 10000) throw;
if (!allpixelsbeachAssigned) throw;
if (pixelsbeachIndexToAddress[pixelsbeachIndex] == 0x0) throw;
if (pixelsbeachIndexToAddress[pixelsbeachIndex] == msg.sender) throw;
if (msg.value == 0) throw;
Bid existing = pixelsbeachBids[pixelsbeachIndex];
if (msg.value <= existing.value) throw;
if (existing.value > 0) {
// Refund the failing bid
pendingWithdrawals[existing.bidder] += existing.value;
pixelsbeachBids[pixelsbeachIndex] = Bid(true, pixelsbeachIndex, msg.sender, msg.value);
pixelsbeachBidEntered(pixelsbeachIndex, msg.value, msg.sender);
function acceptBidForpixelsbeach(uint pixelsbeachIndex, uint minPrice) {
if (pixelsbeachIndex >= 10000) throw;
if (!allpixelsbeachAssigned) throw;
if (pixelsbeachIndexToAddress[pixelsbeachIndex] != msg.sender) throw;
address seller = msg.sender;
Bid bid = pixelsbeachBids[pixelsbeachIndex];
if (bid.value == 0) throw;
if (bid.value < minPrice) throw;
pixelsbeachIndexToAddress[pixelsbeachIndex] = bid.bidder;
Transfer(seller, bid.bidder, 1);
pixelsbeachOfferedForSale[pixelsbeachIndex] = Offer(false, pixelsbeachIndex, bid.bidder, 0, 0x0);
uint amount = bid.value;
pixelsbeachBids[pixelsbeachIndex] = Bid(false, pixelsbeachIndex, 0x0, 0);
pendingWithdrawals[seller] += amount;
pixelsbeachBought(pixelsbeachIndex, bid.value, seller, bid.bidder);
function withdrawBidForpixelsbeach(uint pixelsbeachIndex) {
if (pixelsbeachIndex >= 10000) throw;
if (!allpixelsbeachAssigned) throw;
if (pixelsbeachIndexToAddress[pixelsbeachIndex] == 0x0) throw;
if (pixelsbeachIndexToAddress[pixelsbeachIndex] == msg.sender) throw;
Bid bid = pixelsbeachBids[pixelsbeachIndex];
if (bid.bidder != msg.sender) throw;
pixelsbeachBidWithdrawn(pixelsbeachIndex, bid.value, msg.sender);
uint amount = bid.value;
pixelsbeachBids[pixelsbeachIndex] = Bid(false, pixelsbeachIndex, 0x0, 0);
// Refund the bid money
<–! end >
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